Petja Kocet's Flowers series unfolds a world where the simplicity of charcoal on canvas prompts a thoughtful examination of drawing's potential. Departing from colour schemes, Kocet employs a subtle approach that directs attention to the interplay of light and shapes, offering a contemporary perspective on the enduring theme of floral depictions.
Travnik/Meadow w/ David Kucler
Artists Petja Kocet and David Kucler present two large-scale works, "Meadow: Brod 0.5" and "Meadow: Sočerga," scanned in the Gorenjska and Primorska regions, then reproduced at a natural scale in the gallery. Each 6 x 3.5-meter piece comprises 320 A4 scans/prints, offering viewers a detailed exploration of meadow vegetation and its elements, like apples, snails, leaves... The "Meadow" exhibition takes a light and process-oriented approach, providing a unique perspective on the vibrant landscape and its forms.
The Freightline1 series, spanning 2021 to 2022, reflects the artist's engagement with painting and drawing. Themed around the intricate global transport system, the artworks blend figurative and abstract elements, using port images as a launchpad for contemplation. The pieces also reflect on the artist's upbringing in Koper, examining globalization and contemporary society.